horse powered threshing machine
Horse powered threshing machine is a wonderful agricultural change to perform segregation between cereal grain which producing rice or wheat and husks and straw. The general function of the machine is none other than to separate threshing, winnowing and cleaning grains which are also three important stages in post-harvest. This includes a durable and stable design, some rotating drums or beaters that can keep the grain free, so it doesn't have to face any damages during detachment while also sifting through a sieve-like system for sorting out the fine grains from their less valuable counterpart chaff. It is usually operated by horse traction, making it a good option for farmers who don't have access to electricity. The threshing machine that driven by horse has widespread applications, beyond the more practical functionalities, It can also be widely applicable to virtually any small-scale farming operation and larger agricultural enterprises looking to increase efficiency While reducing labor intensity.