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From Paddy to White Rice: Choosing the Right Commercial Rice Mill

2024-10-13 15:00:00
From Paddy to White Rice: Choosing the Right Commercial Rice Mill


Rice, one of the most important agricultural PRODUCTS, is the staple food of more than half of the world´s population. Note that the conversion of paddy to white rice is the biggest commercial aspect of that process. If you want to undertake good quality rice processing while being cost-effective and stationing the efforts within sustainability, the type of Commercial Rice Mill you use is crucial. This article will guide you through the essentials of choosing a rice mill suitable for your business.

Learn About The Rice Milling Process

The conversion from paddy to white rice is a bit more complicated and has several milling, processing stages. The first treatment that paddy get is husking, that eats off the external husk, which is the beginning of brown rice extract. So it is the further milling that removes the covering bran layer of the brown rice and this yields this white rice. Must have every step in rigorous control to retain the nutritive value and texture of rice.

Wivan Though Commercial Rice Mill Selection Tips Keep In Mind

There are a lot of things you must consider when it comes to selecting a commercial rice mill.

The mill must match the paddy quantity you have to process in one day.

Energy cost: An efficient mill will reduce energy cost and increase throughput.

Durable: The mill needs to be a long-term, basically no-maintenance asset.

Cost: Consider both up-front and recurring operational costs.

Energy Use: Select a whatever mill which consume the lowest level of energy because it helps to save the cost as well as it s good for the environment.

Ease of Operation and Maintenance: An ideal mill should be user friendly, Its maintenance should also be easy.

The mill must meet or exceed all applicable food safety regulations.

Different Types of Commercial Rice Mills

There are various types of commercial rice mill for sale, and each has its own benefits:

Stone Burrs (Traditional Stone Mills): These types of fine grinders are old world and use grinding stones that are made of all natural stone to grind grain.

Hammer Mills: These mills uses the high speed rotating hammers which break the paddy; suitable to be used in small scale industries.

Engraved Roller Mills: this type of mills has rollers with specific cuts to remove the husk and bran which gets average results.

Polished Roller Mills: These mills will actually polish rice to a high shine, and that results in a much more premium product

Pneumatic Mills: These mills use a pneumatic method for hull removal which expels air rather than creating friction like a stone or steel roll, yielding a cleaner, more controlled milling.

Key Features To Look Out For When Choosing Rice Mills

Automation Options: Mills can be automated or used as is. Minimum Human Error: As these devices operate on machine guidance, the risk is very less.

Quality of Milling, Output: It should produce quality food, with the same output consistently.

Seek Customization Options: Some mills will let you alter settings; this can be crucial, because various rices can yield quite differing flavors and depths of pudding.

Sustainable Design: Choose Mills with Noise-reducing Configuration to Cater to Local Noise Regulations

Waste Management Systems: What a Waste: Waste management systems can be significant players in reducing your disposal cost and environmental impact!

Factors That Determine Commercial Rice Mill Cost

It only takes a commercial rice mill costs of $70,000 a table top one and it Ranging from $65,000 — 50 million (as per shade and capacity).

They come ranging in price, but a good rule of thumb is the larger and more capable the mill the more expensive it will be.

The higher the level of automation for that mill, the higher its initial cost, but it can save on cost in the future.

Brand & Manufacturer: For more premier companies their mills can be more on the expensive side.

Features and Extras: Mill upgrades can add more cost.

Warranty and After Sales Service After-sales service and warranty: You should also check the availability and cost of after-sales service and warranty.


Choosing the right commercial rice mill for your business can be a major decision to make for many reasons as it involves the quality, efficiency of your operation and the amount of money you will pocket. Based on this, select a mill that can meet your needs, is cost-effective, efficient, durable and produces good quality rice. And, as technological developments encourage the emergence of new and more efficient forms of milling the rice mill sector can continue to evolve and adapt lotus 7 border to meet the greatly increased demand for this commodity from the ever larger human population growing throughout the globe.